Sep 22, 2009

September 2009 Final Tabasco Update


Back home after the busiest trip ever to Southern Mexico. It wasn't real "busy", just a lot of things the Lord had us doing.
David Mapp, Robert and I flowed together in ministry in a spirit of unity that I have seldom seen. None of us were really worn out or overly tired after meetings, the burden was shared.
We saw numerous healings, numerous salvations and dozens of prophetic words spoken. The Lord has given us clear direction as far as a vision for the future and for partnership in the work of the Lord.
Even during times we were counseling and giving direction to families and leadership, the Lord was working through us and strengthening us. I don't think we had more than 7 hours of sleep any night, and some nights it was less than 6, but we were energized by the anointing!!
Just about every person I could verify that came forward was healed. One man could not straighten out his knees and he left without his cane..... A little short elderly lady started singing in the Spirit and dancing when David laid hands on her......Several were called into ministry.....Many true prophetic words were fulfilled within 24 hours.....Some brought fear and reverence on the church (Godly fear).....It all served to established the fact that God is in control, when He speaks, we better listen.
I shared with David Monday that I have had enough prophetic words over my life to last a lifetime!!! It's time we stepped into the callings God has for us and do the things he has told us to. We can receive prophetic word after word but if we don't do anything with those words, it was all useless.

You can check the website at for current events and news.
We are updating the site continuously and will have many more pictures and testimonies up in the next couple of days.
If you know anyone else who would like to receive updates or newsletters, please direct them to us!

Keep us in your prayers.......

Scott McDonald

Sep 19, 2009

Signs and Wonders!!!


It is the middle of the night and I still am not sleepy, literally still numb with the things
we have seen the last 2 days.
The Lord has given many strong words and prophesies to many people, but it is almost
scary how fast they are coming to pass.
Friends, it is no longer time to be playing games with God. We are in the Last Days and
can no longer afford to play around with our callings.
Here are a few of the words Robert gave last night and how they were fulfilled........

* A lady came forward for prayer, Robert told her she had told another person that she was
tired living on this earth and was ready to die. He said if this word is not from God, slap
me on my cheek. She broke completely and grabbed him and kissed him then went to
the person she had told that too and repented, sobbing. She was seriously restored.
It was amazing.

* Our worship leader's wife came forward for prayer, Robert prophesied to her that she needed to believe, pray
and intercede for her family because one of them could die soon.
We don't know if she obeyed the word spoken to her, but we do know her brother was killed in a motorcycle
accident less than 6 hours later.

* Robert kept telling us to pray because he kept seeing a rain hit that was heavy and bad
similar to a flood that hit us in Cuyo de Guadelupe last year. Before that flood hit, Robert
warned the musicians to move their equipment because it was going to flood. They did not
heed the warning and lost over 1,000 worth of equipment.
Robert gave the prophesy Thursday night.....Friday night as we got out of the car, the storm
hit. Not like any I have seen in many years.
Everyone was talking about the words and the storm.

I took a video during the storm and hope you will watch it, it is pretty heavy. I explain things
then cut to the clip, I think it will bless you.

When God speaks, we need to listen. Listen to what he is telling us. Sometimes things happen like the storm Friday night and it changes us more than if we had gone to 10 meetings! It pays to listen to His voice and to obey.

See the clip here...... (Signs and Wonders)

PLEASE keep us in your prayers!!
Scott McDonald

Sep 17, 2009

Jobal Ministry

Jobal is at the end of a 5 mile long dead end road near the Usumacinta River in the State of Tabasco, Mexico. It has a population of about 200. Last night we had around 160 not counting little kids in the service, the largest service I have seen in that village.
David Mapp spoke and the word was powerful. The words were anointed and it cut to the heart of many people. Over 80 people responded and received prayer. There were many breakthroughs and many were delivered.
Several young men came forward to give their lives to the Lord for the first time.
The Holy Spirit flowed through the place and many powerful prophetic words came forth. One man threw away his cane and walked back and forth across the front with no problems. Later the cane was used to pray for people!
We spent the a good part of the day with Robert talking about ministry, the house/ministry headquarters we are building and family. We also went over the organization paperwork.
We looked at ministry pictures from back in the 1970's and 80's when Robert and Dad first began ministering together and had a great time of remembering where God has taken us over the years. Sometimes laughing, sometimes weeping.
Pray with us that the rain holds back for tonight's meeting. We prayed that God would hold the rains back until the meeting was over the first night and 5 minutes after we finished the meeting it poured. Just about everyone made it home dry! We didn't hurry or rush......God just took control.
Thanks for your prayers.....
Scott McDonald

Sep 16, 2009

September 16th update

Happy Independence Day!! Viva Mexico!
The first night of meetings went really well, there was a very strong coldness over the entire place that we felt was brought about by compromise.
The Lord had given me John 15:1-7 to preach on and as the Lord confirms things, the normal Bible reading for the church was John 15!
The Holy Spirit really broke through and about two-thirds of the people came forward to seek God.
The Holy Spirit moved in a very beautiful way, the atmosphere changed then numerous healings took place. People were touched that had sickness ranging from pain in their eye to pain over their whole body, to one older man who had such pain in his knees he could not straighten them up! That man ended up running back and forth across the altar area praising God!
Keep us in your prayers as we continue the work the next few days, we are really seeing breakthroughs.
A special Thank You again Open Door City Church and Palestine Church families for your continued prayers!!!

-Scott McDonald

Viva Mexico!

Sep 14, 2009

September 14 Mexico Update

After a rainy and stormy flight to Mexico City and Villahermosa, we arived in Chiapas and spent the day visiting a couple of sites and getting direction from the Holy Spirit for the meetings this week.
I strongly felt that this trip is vital to the direction the ministry will be taking over the next few years. I felt that during 2010 we absolutely must have a revival, an awakening in Mexico and in America. More about that soon.
I will be posting video updates soon on the website and on facebook.
We are in a hotel in Palenque and will be traveling to Emiliano Zapata the 15th.
Sep 16th is Independance Day and I believe it will be a day of breakthrough for this part of the country.
Meetings start the 15th and run through the 21st. It will be a busy, fruitful week!!!
Keep us in your prayers,
Blessings and Increase,
Scott McDonald

Sep 12, 2009

New Web Site!!

We are very excited about having a web site for the ministry, It will be a great tool to use in the coming months and years.
We have just put together some very preliminary information and a "Live" status blog that you are reading now.
When we are on trips we will try to update the blog on a daily basis.
Check back often, we plan on loading the site with tons of information, bulletins and prophetic words along with pictures and videos spanning over 37 years of ministry!!!
Blessings and Increase!
-Scott McDonald