Oct 15, 2008

ALL-IN-ONE Tabasco Trip Update with Recie Saunders September 6, 2008

August 31, 2008
   First, I would like mention, if you want your name removed from this update list oryou have friends or relatives you want added to this update list, please just sendme an email so I can get it updated. I am working with a shorter list these days because I have not heard from somepeople for years and it appears they have moved on. Also, please pay close attention to the prayer requests at the bottom of thisupdate, as this is one of the main reasons I take time to let everyone knowwhat is happening. As most of you know, I am traveling in Southern Mexico right now with Recie Saundersof Itinerant Ministry Team (www.itinerantministryteam.com) preparing for a week of ministry inTabasco. The meetings start Monday night in Jobal, Tabasco first. We have traveled the last 3 days several hundred miles by car visiting several ruinsand villages in the interior of Chiapas and along the Guatemala border. We briefly crossed into Guatemala for a few minutes. The Lord has really been in this part of the trip, and we really feel that God is goingto do much healing of the land and hearts. I believe many generational issues will be broken, many lives touched and healed. I really covet your prayers on this trip, we need a solid covering so there will bereal liberty and freedom in the meetings. There has been much groundwork andmuch preparation for these meetings and we firmly believe that many peoplewill never be the same after this week. I personally feel that this set of meetings will be some of the most significant meetingsthese towns have ever had. I believe we are seeing a major turning point and shift inthis ministry, the authority of the church in Tabasco and freedom in the churches herein Southern Mexico as a result of these meetings. A lot of exciting things are happening in the ministry that we will share in the comingmonths. Real and long term changes are taking place that will move us more intospreading revival not only in Mexico but in America and other parts of the world. I will continue to update as often as possible to keep you on top of what is happening.Please take a few minutes to lift these requests up to the Lord in prayer..... 

Blessings and Increase..... 

Scott McDonald 

* Nightly meetings, Sep 1, 2 and 3 Jobal, Tabasco.....Sep 4 and 5 Cuyo de Guadelupe, Tabasco and Sep 6 San Geronimo, Tabasco. 

* My pastors in Texas....David and Gayle Dyke, (I love you guys!!!) Gayle had a fall that involved a broken hip, pray for a quick, total recovery. This happened just before a very important conference at the church involving leadership from Bethel Church in Redding, California that will be taking place this same week we are in Mexico. We look at it as nothing more than a direct attack from the enemy, but he will not slow down revival, his plan actually backfired and it's fanning the flame even more!!! www.opendoorcity.org 

* My good friend Steve Lincoln who has ministered with me in Mexico www.eagleswingsministries.co.uk Steve has gone through a long season of serious sickness and attacks and we need to see complete deliverance for him and his wife Heather. You can feel free to check out his website, he has much in the line of prophetic ministry, he has a School of the Spirit, School of Ministry, Music, etc. Many resources.... 

Feel free to forward this update to anyone you think will pray or benefit from it. 

September 3, 2008 


We have a lot of great things to report about the trip so far. It has been a greatblessing to many people. The first night, the Lord moved and some received, but you could tell muchgroundwork was being laid for the Tuesday night service. At the beginning of the service, Recie called Robert forward and honoredhim before the people. He explained that Robert was the spiritual leader region and that he was honoring him with protocol, basically submitting to his leadership and getting permission directly from Robert, as the spiritualleader, to minister to the people. He presented him with a blanket and ahandmade necklace that had a prophetic meaning to it. It was a very strong, anointed and prophetic moment and very honoring. Tuesday night, Recie ministered on the difference between witchcraft, cardreaders, etc, and true prophets and men of God. The anointing waspresent from early on in the service and became heavy during the time ofministry. Recie asked for the people who had been to a witch, card reader, etc. or had afamily member that had visited one, every one that wanted to renounce itand wanted freedom to come forward. Around three-quarters of the people came forward. The anointing was very heavy and many were deeply ministered to. Ministry this week has also involved "house calls". We've visited 3 homes so farand ministered to people with various issues. This morning we were in a home and a lady was filled with the Holy Spirit. Thank you for your prayers. Again, I feel that in a couple of the places we areministering, it is the most important events these churches have had up to thispoint. 


-Scott McDonald 

Prayer Requests....... 

* Open and receptive hearts these next services. Many have received andmany more will come and need to be ready to receive. 

* Continued clarity in the spiritual relm to understand and move accordingto the will of God. 

* We have church papers in order for the organization here in Tabasco. Phase 1is finished, we received the final seals and signatures this morning from theCounty Seat here in Emiliano Zapata. We are putting together a set of papersto file with it that will include a Mission Statement, Statement of Faith andChurch Doctrine. All that needs to be translated and ready to go by tomorrownight!! Pray we will have the strength and energy to accomplish all the work.All this paperwork gets filed in Mexico City and the government then issuesa declaration that establishes the organization on a National level. 

September 4, 2008 


Thank you for your prayers, they are greatly appreciated! Last night was the final meeting at Jobal, Tabasco and we are moving downthe Usumacinta River about 30 miles to Cuyo de Guadelupe, also in the Stateof Tabasco. Last night before service, some of the leadership had gathered to talk about theservice and what the Lord was showing us about the meeting. Many strong propheticwords were given and the anointing was very strong. At one point, Recie began to pray for Robert, and as he was about to lay hands onhim, oil began to come from his hands. They became slick and oily right in frontof us. As you can imagine, the presence of God was very strong and several ofus could hardly stand. During worship, almost all present were really deeply engaged in worship andand there was a strong corporate anointing. There was not a message, Recie went straight into ministry. He had every personthat was sick to raise their hand, then the remaining people came forward. We prayed over the people that were not sick, then had the sick people comeforward and the others pray for them. Recie was ministering to two men called to be pastors as the people werepraying one for another. We did not lay hands on those sick people. Later, near the end of the service, Recie asked if any had not been healedso we could pray for them and not a single person came forward.We asked several times and asked if they had all been healed. Everyonekept saying "amen" and no one had any sickness left! Praise God! The Lord is really moving and commisioning these people to carry on the callof God on their lives. I believe that these 3 meetings in Jobal carried much spiritual weight and wasthe most significant services they have ever experienced.Thanks again for your prayers, 


Scott McDonald 

Prayer Requests....... 

* Open and receptive hearts in Cuyo de Guadelupe, freedom and a moreestablished order within the church body. 

* We're almost finished gathering the final paperwork on church order,laws of the church, mission statements for the Mexican Church, etc. Justone more day of work...... Pray for strength, wisdom and grace to finish the job!!THANK YOU, Mom, Sylvia Garza and Steve Linclon for your help, you guys area huge blessing!!! All of this is to be turned in with our church papers for National approval inMexico City. 

* TRUCK!!! The main truck we use to transport people here is in the shop needing major work......to be honest, it needs a rebuilt engine. We have put more than 120,000 miles on it since we brought it down and it has more thanoutlived most trucks we have used here. A normal lifespan is only 2-3 yearsbecause they are constantly taking such abuse on these roads. We havebeen praying for another full-sized truck and a van to haul people. I have met with mechanics and talked with several missionaries about trucksover the last couple of years and all agree it is not wise at all and a waste ofprovision to buy new or almost new trucks. The wear a brand new truck boughthere at 50,000 miles is very similar to the wear a truck in the USA has at140,000-150,000 miles. Literally 25% of our driving can be off road here. 

Blessings and Increase!!! 

Scott McDonald

La Constitucion Crusade Update April 19, 2008


   The La Constitution meetings started last night.  We had visitors from 
about 4 other churches attend.
   As far as crowds, it was a fairly small meeting, but powerful.  Many people
were touched.   Many lives were touched.
   It was a very different service because of the number of people the Lord used
to bring the complete word.
    I preached on foundational issues that ultimately lead to sustaining a real
revival but I really felt my message was leading up to a word Mom had for the
   As I finished, Mom came and delivered the Word the Lord had given her.
Part of it was a direct prophecy for a couple of ministers that were present.
    The word she gave was only about 10 minutes long and immediately after
I gave an altar call.  Just about all the seats emptied.
   We spent a good deal of time ministering to the people with Robert,
Teresa, Rosalba and several others as many were touched, healed and
   The Lord moved on Sylvia Garza, Mom's friend who is traveling with us.
She became almost overcome by the presence of God and ministered
to many people.  Mom continued to minister and the presence of God really
touched folks.
   Finally, my brother-in-law Dustin Parker is giving a financial teaching
at each service.  It is being done as a mini-series on financial stewardship
and how to Biblically manage finances.   This is a teaching that is seriously
need here to see God's people break free in the financial realm.
   Some of the testimonies I personally heard were.....
** A young man healed of pain in his neck
** A lady was healed of a leg problem, she had a lot of pain from her
knee to her ankle.
** A young man was given a direct word by Robert on things he was holding 
in his heart against 2 others present in the meeting.  He repented to those
people with many tears.
** A word of knowledge came about a serious pain in the back of someone's
head.  A lady came up and was healed.
** Many others came forward because they were hungry for the presence of the
Lord and were touched by the words spoken.
   Thank you for your prayers, the Lord is moving in Mexico!!


Scott McDonald

The State of the Church January 2008


  In praying about this new year, I felt impressed to write some things that the Lord has laid on my heart about the "State of the Church".  I want you to prayerfully and carefully read and consider the words that follow and let the light of God's Word shine into the deepest areas of your heart. 

 May the Lord prosper your way in 2008.

"The State of the Church"

   Don't miss what God is about to do in 2008 because it is fresh and new and doesn't fit the mold of what you are used too.  The hardest time to learn something new is when you are an "expert" in a subject you think you know.  Being "bored" and not staying in that secret place with God is what got David in trouble.
   Just so you know, the spirit of discouragement and heaviness can be thrown off!  It is not that difficult!  What many people pass off as being "weak" in the faith is really spiritual laziness.  Passion can be stirred up!  Read I Sam 30:6  David, facing his entire following that wanted to stone him, standing alone against terrible odds, the Word says... "But David STRENGTHENED himself in the Lord his God"  KJV says he ENCOURAGED himself in the Lord.
   I tell you right now, God has built a hunger for passion into you, you WILL be passionate about something!   Have you seen people stand an hour in 100 degree heat for a thrill ride?  Have you ever seen a bear or a dog or a deer standing in line for something?  Let me tell you, if you are passionate about God, you can trust your passions!
  I was in prayer a few days ago.  It took almost 4 hours for my mind to get quiet and start listening in the Spirit.  We really need to just press in no matter what.  I heard the Holy Spirit ask very clearly, "Scott, what do you want?  What are your desires?"  I answered what I thought would be the correct answer, "well, I want to know you, to be in your will."  He said, what else?  "ok, I want to be able in 2008 to bless the ministry more than ever before, for more open doors."  He then said, "dig deeper, what do you want in 2008?"  I finally said, "I would like to build a church in Mexico and pay for it out of my own pocket, I would like to donate a much better truck than I did last year to the ministry in Mexico," by this time I cought myself and stopped.  I realized I was being set up for a powerful word so I shut up.  In a powerful way like I have never heard the voice of the Lord before, the Holy Spirit spoke, "You have never once asked me what my desire is.  You have asked my will and you have sought my will but you have never asked what I desire."  By now I was pretty shook up and I barely whispered, "Lord, what do you desire?"  Immediately, powerfully He spoke, "I want YOU.  I want your affection, I want to be what you desire, I want YOU."  He went on to explain that my calling was to know Him, to love Him, to be with Him.  What I did in ministry was my assignment, what I was to fulfill in this short time on earth.  I was called to know Him!  What an honor!
   Religion says that passion is not God.  It is impossible to have passion for Jesus and not stir up the enemy!  The biggest hinderance to a real Awakening is not the devil, it is religion!  Without a revelation of who the Holy Spirit is, there will be no power, many have put the Holy Spirit down like it's just a gift.  Without the oil, without the fire, we just become religious.
  Modern religion says we can live like we want and still have the blessings of God.   Modern religion has changed grace and mercy from tools used by believers to live in holiness and righteousness to  a covering to live in sin and still be ok.
  Why do you think that the world's view of the Church is so messed up?  Many of modern day "churches" are nothing more than self-help centers.  We go in, hear a couple of good songs, listen to an "inspirational" message, pray and go home.  That is the majority of America's church experience.  No conviction, no sin, no holiness, no Holy Spirit.  If you don't believe me yet, let me shock you just a bit.  I have personally confirmed all of the following points about what has happened in churches in the last 2 years in America, just to name a few.  
     *  A large church in the Eastern US had an "American Idol" audition with secular music.  The winner sung a secular song from the pulpet before worship started.  The pastor joked about it.  The crowd went wild.
     *  A Texas mega-church held a ten week series on business.  10 weeks, 10 secular business books.  Nothing about God in the messages, just a how-too business plan for Sunday messages.
     *  One "progressive" modern mega-church sponsored a conference called "Re-think your Christianity" and invited non-believers to speak.
     *  I was in a church as a play was going on and a reenactment of a 70's disco hall was played live on stage.  Complete with sensual dance a disco ball and ungodly clothing.
     *  We now have an End-times video game, you can be the good guys or the bad guys.
     *  We have a Jesus action figure!
     *  I don't even want to get into youth ministry, many modern "churches" have introduced secular music into their youth services to "draw in" youth.
     *  I was backstage with the worship team of a mega-church 3 months ago, all the way up to worship time, they were telling jokes, watching football and talking about their instruments.  Not one time did anyone pray, or even speak of worship.  They went on stage in that state.  No power, no anointing, no passion.  I left the service and walked the halls of that building with a serious sense of the fear of God on me.
   People, this list could go on and on.  Wolves posing as ministers have changed sin into failure, grace gives permission to sin and true worship has been forfeited for a "music experience".  If there's not any power, let's give them a show!  "For fast, temporary relief......and you don't really want to pay the price....."

 Sorry, I want the real deal.

   This may sound like a rant at this point, but I said all this for a reason. 

   In 2008, we will not operate by "experimenting" or because it is "a good idea", rather, we will operate in glory and authority.  Luke 4:1 and 14   When Jesus went out into the wilderness, He went "Filled with the Spirit" when He came back, He came "in the Power of the Spirit".  He passed every test.  He walked in the  fullness of the Spirit.  Look what Paul prayed for with out ceasing... Eph 1:16-23  I believe a real Awakening will be birthed out of revelation.  
  Never substitute man's authority for God's revelation.  Just because someone is anointed as a prophet of God does not mean his teachings are perfect.  I have heard many prophets that tried to walk in another calling and mess up!  I have heard direct prophetic words and from the same mouth teachings that made you go... "huh....?"  We cannot walk in another's revelation.  We can benefit from it, it can bless our socks off!  However, we must seek God for ourselves.  We must have a revelation of who God is in our own life.  We must have a fresh revelation of who we are and who He is.  We must be connected to the body.  We must be connected properly.  Relationships will help build and fulfill the purposes of God in your life.  God cannot come into "unaccord" and bring the anointing and "accord".
   People, when we finally get to the place where we are walking as one with the Holy Spirit, Heaven will back up what you say!  
   Socially unacceptable is what turned the world upside down!  The apostles never got over grace and mercy, they used them to propell them into real holiness.  Their words were backed-up by signs and wonders.  They rejoiced that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name!  (Acts 5:41)

Prophetic Encounter

  To end, I want to leave you with a sobering encounter one of my prophetic friend's ten year old son had a few months ago.  This ten year old boy was cought up in a vision.  He saw Jesus riding down from heaven on a horse.  The boy's dad and others were standing on the earth.  The vision was happening at Dallas/Fort Worth.  The boy kept saying that he could tell Jesus was very mad.  As the boy looked around, he saw there were many statues and pillars man had set up all around.  As Jesus neared, He spoke out with authority, "Who put up these idols?"  One man standing said one was his.  Immediately, Jesus picked the man up and threw him into a dark pit.  As the vision unfolded, Jesus began to give the boy's dad and others different colored horses to ride on.  The boy's dad then told me that the Lord had clearly spoken to them that the big churches and ministries that men have set up as idols and monuments for themselves would begin this very year to be rooted out.  The horses given to people in the prophetic were symbols of authority and strength to carry on the true word of God in Power.  This rooting out would start in Dallas/Fort Worth and quickly spread all over the nation.
   It is time we give our all to seeking the Lord.  To humble ourselves before Him.  To walk in true holiness.  Serving God is a pleasure, it is amazing.  It is the most wonderful thing in the world.  It is what we were created for!
  Let us never use the excuse that we are spiritually weak when we're really spiritually lazy.  This is the day to throw ourselves at his feet, to spend more time than ever in His presence, to feed on the Word like never before!

Can I hear an "Amen"?!?

Rev. Scott McDonald

Janary 2008 Newsletter/Update

2007 ended with an outpouring of God's grace and mercy.  As you know,
the Lord put it on mine and Robert's hearts to go back to Chekubul, Campeche, Mexico to hold a crusade.  We decided that it should be
a longer crusade than normal because of the spiritual atmosphere of
that town.  As you know from past letters, Chekubul has been a center of
darkness and evil over the last 10 or so years.  The Lord called us to begin to pray like never before for this outreach.  Weeks before the meetings
we began to pray, our brothers and sisters in Mexico began times of intercession for the town.  
  Well, major breakthroughs happened as the Holy Spirit fell on Chekubul.  People were hungry for God in a deep way.  Monday night through Sunday night, seven nights of the glory of God.  By the weekend, 24 churches were represented.  Some pastors chartered busses or large trucks and brought their entire congergations.  Some of the churches were ones that Dad had started in the late 70's, 3 Assembly of God churches came and 3 Baptist churches brought their congergations.  All 4 local churches in Chekubul came to the meetings.  We have no way of knowing how many real salvations took place during the meetings, around 60-70 came just to two altar calls for salvation.  Praise be to Jesus!!  Countless came for prayer and we heard countless testimonies of healings and miracles.  
  Signs and Wonders...
A couple of things happened during the meetings I had never seen before in person.  Sure, I have heard testimonies of God doing "special" miracles and amazing things in the natural relm, but I take those things as... well, praise God, that's great, but I did not get to experience it first hand.  We have, of course seen many amazing and wonderful signs, like a visible cloud descending over a crowd, manifestations of angels, etc.  This time was a little different.  As we were ministering, I kept watching this young woman who had started to prophesy.  I felt in my spirit this was for the entire meeting so I took the mic over and held it as she spoke.  As the prophetic word came forth, oil started dripping off her hands!  Now, I was preaching, she was on the front row, I haven't touched the bottle of oil yet, but this amazing thing started happening.  We began to bring people over to her and she would lay hands on them.  people would leave with oil all over their faces and head!  Me included!  Prophetic words continued flowing from her over an hour.  Both her and 4 of her friends that came with her were so overcome by the Holy Spirit, they left the meeting drunk in the Holy Ghost, singing and prophesying and stayed like that for a day and a half!!!  The next meeting, they had to be carried INTO the meeting!  Their lives are changed forever.  Somewhere around a dozen people had to be carried or helped from the meetings they were so overcome by the Power of God.  
   Folks God is doing something great.  It is special, it is not to be taken lightly!  But guess what people.... God will move in your heart, in your city if you will let Him!
   God is doing some new things with the ministry and in our lives that I will share in the next few weeks.  The word for 2008 is a personal word, it is to individuals.  It is to become a lover of God, it is to spend time in His presence because we love Him!  Much more to it, but more to follow!!
  The Lord is moving the ministry in exciting new directions in 2008.  The Lord is releasing us to minister in different areas.  Already 3 trips are planned in 2008 for Southern Mexico through June and I believe much ministry will happen in America in 2008 as well.


 Scott McDonald

Chekubul Crusade Final Update November 15, 2007


   Praise God for His grace!
   The hunger in the people last night was amazing.  People came prepared to receive.   It seemed like literally, heaven came down and touched the people.  For a couple of hours it felt like a glory cloud descended over the people as the Lord ministered to His people.  It as a very humbling experience.  
     To finish 
Saturday night, the greatest thing that happened was the very strong conviction of the Holy Spirit near the end of the service.  People started coming forward to receive Jesus.  By the end, there were around 20 more that received salvation.   I really don't like to throw out numbers because God knows hearts, but in all around 60 people during the meetings came forward for Salvation.
    Last night, the Holy Spirit filled hungry hearts.  It just kept going, on and on.  I really can't remember a service where the anointing stayed that strong for that long.   Things started happening that really shook up some people.  
    Several young women and 2 young men were overcome by a spirit of intercession and prophecy.  For more than 2 hours they danced, prophesied,  wept and prayed over the people as we ministered.  For around 30 minutes, one of the young ladies had oil dripping from her hand.  Everyone she touched had oil all over where she laid hands on them including me.  We had not even got the anointing oil out at this point.  I could see her as I was ministering to others and drops of oil would be coming off her hands as she spoke.  Many times, 3 of the young ladies at the same time would run across where we were ministering, lay hands on the same person, moving as one and all out loud would begin prophesying the same words out loud at the same time!
   The words that came forth were so deep, so pure that people would crumble under the anointing and many would get up prophesying.  Others would be groaning and doubled up as in agony under a spirit of intercession for the people.
    Robert, Teresa and Rosalba at times were so overcome they could just stand and weep before the Lord.  

   People who I had never seen show much emotion, for instance, bro Miguel from Jobal.  When we laid hands on him, he went nuts.  He was probably more dunk than anyone I have seen!  He was staggering around, laughing, pointing, then prophesying then on the ground again then staggering again!   Then the Joy of the Lord really hit him and rolled on the ground somewhere around 30 minutes.
   When you walked toward the front, the anointing kept getting heavier, like you were walking into a cloud.  If we could just stay there all the time!!!  The only word I had to give preaching before this was that God wanted to put his loving arms around every one that would open their hearts to Him.  He was going to empower every one that was hungry.   He said you will never know or understand how much I love these people.  These are My people.
   Thank you so much for your prayers, they can be felt, you can see the difference.
   The Lord is raising up ore people to help with carrying the Gospel here.  I can't tell you how amazing and beautiful it was as I was at one side ministering to people and looking across I see Robert ministering and a man throwing down his crutches, people getting healed, I look in another place and see Teresa's brother ministering under a very strong anointing and people getting healed, I see Teresa and Rosalba get pulled by the Spirit to another part of the crowd to minister and prophesy and many others that God is raising up in oneness of Spirit.  Guess what?  It's For the Harvest!
    Later tonight I hope to have time to send out a few pictures, I have to finish some things here before I head back to 
  Keep me in your prayers as I will be driving around 300 miles back to 
Campeche this afternoon  Then flying home at 4.30 Tuesday morning.
  I will try to upload a couple of videos in the next couple of days also.



Chekubul Crusade Update November 12, 2007


   Praise God for His grace!
   The hunger in the people last night was amazing.  People came prepared to receive.   It seemed like literally, heaven came down and touched the people.  For a couple of hours it felt like a glory cloud descended over the people as the Lord ministered to His people.  It as a very humbling experience.  
     To finish 
Saturday night, the greatest thing that happened was the very strong conviction of the Holy Spirit near the end of the service.  People started coming forward to receive Jesus.  By the end, there were around 20 more that received salvation.   I really don't like to throw out numbers because God knows hearts, but in all around 60 people during the meetings came forward for Salvation.
    Last night, the Holy Spirit filled hungry hearts.  It just kept going, on and on.  I really can't remember a service where the anointing stayed that strong for that long.   Things started happening that really shook up some people.  
    Several young women and 2 young men were overcome by a spirit of intercession and prophecy.  For more than 2 hours they danced, prophesied,  wept and prayed over the people as we ministered.  For around 30 minutes, one of the young ladies had oil dripping from her hand.  Everyone she touched had oil all over where she laid hands on them including me.  We had not even got the anointing oil out at this point.  I could see her as I was ministering to others and drops of oil would be coming off her hands as she spoke.  Many times, 3 of the young ladies at the same time would run across where we were ministering, lay hands on the same person, moving as one and all out loud would begin prophesying the same words out loud at the same time!
   The words that came forth were so deep, so pure that people would crumble under the anointing and many would get up prophesying.  Others would be groaning and doubled up as in agony under a spirit of intercession for the people.
    Robert, Teresa and Rosalba at times were so overcome they could just stand and weep before the Lord.  

   People who I had never seen show much emotion, for instance, bro Miguel from Jobal.  When we laid hands on him, he went nuts.  He was probably more dunk than anyone I have seen!  He was staggering around, laughing, pointing, then prophesying then on the ground again then staggering again!   Then the Joy of the Lord really hit him and rolled on the ground somewhere around 30 minutes.
   When you walked toward the front, the anointing kept getting heavier, like you were walking into a cloud.  If we could just stay there all the time!!!  The only word I had to give preaching before this was that God wanted to put his loving arms around every one that would open their hearts to Him.  He was going to empower every one that was hungry.   He said you will never know or understand how much I love these people.  These are My people.
   Thank you so much for your prayers, they can be felt, you can see the difference.
   The Lord is raising up ore people to help with carrying the Gospel here.  I can't tell you how amazing and beautiful it was as I was at one side ministering to people and looking across I see Robert ministering and a man throwing down his crutches, people getting healed, I look in another place and see Teresa's brother ministering under a very strong anointing and people getting healed, I see Teresa and Rosalba get pulled by the Spirit to another part of the crowd to minister and prophesy and many others that God is raising up in oneness of Spirit.  Guess what?  It's For the Harvest!
    Later tonight I hope to have time to send out a few pictures, I have to finish some things here before I head back to 
  Keep me in your prayers as I will be driving around 300 miles back to 
Campeche this afternoon  Then flying home at 4.30 Tuesday morning.
  I will try to upload a couple of videos in the next couple of days also.



Chekubul Crusade Update November 11, 2007


Well, praise God!!  I'll try to get pics uploaded Monday along with a couple of videos.   
   What God is doing in Chekubul is amazing.  In years past there have been as many as 5-600 people come to the crusades.  Saturday night was what many said was by far the largest Gospel Crusade ever in that region.  22 pastors came and brought their congregations, along with many others from different churches.  Somewhere between 1,200-1,400 people heard the gospel last night.  
   As I was about to preach, I felt the Lord moving in a different direction.  I always love it when he changes our plans.....  The Holy Spirit begin moving, and a healing anointing began to flow.  People kept coming up for prayer and getting healed.  One lady came out of her wheelchair and walked.  Others were delivered.   Robert was praying at one end and I was at the other!   One person came up that was possessed by a devil and a person not walking totally with the Lord that Robert had already warned not to lay their hands on anyone, tried to run up and cast it out.  Well, they got thrown back on the ground.  Twice.  But thanks be to God that the person that was possessed got delivered as we lay hands on them and the other person got ministered to.
   Breakthroughs began happening all over the crowd. People began to break free.  When God would touch them you could hear shouts and praise.  Many homes were restored.  Many lives set free.
   The Holy Spirit got a hold of some of the women, they began dancing, singing and prophesying.  When we left the service, we watched as people carried them and others out still under the power of God.  When they drove off in a truck, they were singing, shouting and prophesying over the city!   Some have been under the power 2 days.  They have to have people help them in and out of the meetings.  
   Some said after service that they will never forget what God did last night.
   Liberty and light broke through last night at the end of the service.  People began shouting, singing and dancing before the Lord.  One of the Baptist pastors was dancing "with all is might"!   What a blessing!   
   I have never seen anything like this in these villages.
   I hope to be able to report more Monday and upload some pics.  I finished the service in Emiliano Zapata at 1pm and leave for the last night of the crusade at 2.30 pm!  

  Gotta run....Blessings,

Chekubul Crusade Update November 9, 2007

   Thanks again so much for your prayers, breakthroughs are happening in Chekubul. 
   Thursday night was a special time of ministry for ministers of the gospel.   Around 25 were there and really received from the Lord.  It is a preparation for what the Lord wants to do with them this weekend.  The Lord has showed me to have pastors help pray for the sick this weekend.  
   We have finished the meetings in the park on the East side of town and tonight through Sunday night we will be having services next to the church in a special place built for the church-wide crusades.  It is well-lighted and has a covered, concrete platform.  It is really beautiful.   I will try to get some video of the services there.
   A couple of the ministers that came forward last night had to be helped to their trucks last night they were so overcome by the power of God.   Many were weeping for half an hour on the ground as they were ministered to on¨"God's operating table".
   As we were driving back last night we passed 3 truckloads and a van load of people from the meeting.  They were all yelling and rejoicing and you could see their faces glowing.
   I was really blessed as a pastor came up to me and said how much he was being blessed by the anointing and how much his church was receiving from the Lord.   He then said his church has around 200 members.  He then said, I just want you to know, around 25 years ago your Dad led me to the Lord, then a few days later baptized me.   It is amazing to me that all this that is happening is a harvest from what one man planted starting in 1977. 
   So many churches are taking part, it is hard to keep up, but several Assemblies, 2 Baptist and several Church of God churches are participating along with many of our original churches.
  Pastor Atilano (see pic) is really excited about what God is doing and there are many open doors for him.  He is leaving to do a 5 day crusade in Veracruz on Monday.  He is also president of the Community Churches of Mexico, the church organization Dad started in the 80's.  Dad led him to the Lord when he was 12, now he has a 22 year old son! 
   All praise be to the Lord for what He is doing.
   Opposition has been very weak!  No one has come against us personally.  There are some trying to stir up trouble in the background, but their voices are hardly heard.
   PRAYER REQUESTS.............
   Safety on these roads!!!  we have already traveled over 1,300 miles this week.  Last night a huge, double-semi, not like your American UPS or Fed-Ex double-semi, but a BIG one, almost flipped just 200 yards in front of us.  He was passing another semi and let his left tires slip off the road.  Thankfully he had just cleared the other truck.  His trailers were swinging the entire width of the road and I don't even know how he recovered.
   Friday and Saturday nights are the most dangerous because of the huge volume of traffic and many driving drunk. I always drive much slower Fri and Sat nights. Keep us in prayer.

   MORE PEOPLE TO RECEIVE!!!!!   Lots of folks sitting like stones, pray God breaks stony hearts and they receive also.

   Hey!  Jump in the River!!!!


Checkubul Crusade Update November 8, 2007

  Again, thank you so much for your continued prayers, the Lord continues to work and move in Chekubul.  Wednesday night, many pastors came to the meeting from many different churches, there is a picture of a few of them sitting up front. 
   The Lord showed me before service that many would come last night with religious spirits.  It was nothing but God that worked last night, because the word He gave me for the church was really rough for religious people.  I could feel icy cold coming from a couple of the visiting pastors.  But the anointing was there and again, I have never felt the anointing to preach as strong as I did last night.  If the anointing hadn't been there, I would have surely been stoned!!  The Word ripped through religious junk Wednesday night.  The Holy Spirit was in total control.  The Lord was reveling things about the Old and New covenants to me as I was speaking.  It just flowed beautifully!
   It got to the point where I mentioned we were in a church a few years back that said if a man wore a watch, if a woman didn't wear a dress that touched the floor, if a man's sleeves weren't to his wrists, if a woman wore makeup or jewelry.... All those things and more, if they did those things they were on their way to hell!  I said a church with all those rules and doctrines of men was full of ugly people and no anointing.  Some of those churches are in so much bondage they can't even let someone off the street into their church to get ministered to, they've got to clean up the outside first.  There are people in the back jungles of Africa and South America right now worshiping God and having revival, they are seeing signs and wonders, they are seeing miracles and they are half naked!  If they came to this church in their native dress you would close your eyes in shame!   But God has redeemed them just as He has us, He has set them free because first, if the words spoken to to the Jews in the Old Testament applied to us today, we would have to build fences around our roofs so people wouldn't fall of!  Because if we kept only part of the Law and not all of it we are guilty of all!  But Jesus came to bring us a New Covenant, The law is written on our hearts.  We now live by the Spirit of God by a conscience that has been touched by the Holy Spirit!  When God cleans up the inside, the outside will take care of itself!  You will not dress to get attention or the glory of man!  Now you who think women who wear pants are going to hell, because some of you here are judging even as you sit in your chair.  If women in the arctic, if our sisters in the arctic DIDN'T wear pants or at least something over their legs, they would freeze to death!   Quit thinking that your village is the only one in the world, that the way you do things is the only way to do it in the entire earth!  (Quit clapping so hard just because I'm preaching good   oh, and don't stone me either!)  
 (Actually, I said that too!)
   Anyway, it went on much longer, and got into keeping a clean conscience, if Jesus was up here preaching and a movie screen behind him was playing your thoughts from last night, would you hide in shame or be blessed?  He said my yoke is easy and my burden light.  If you find it hard to control your thoughts or live a holy life it's because you're trying to "be good" in your own strength.  Then ministry about yielding, etc, etc.....
   People really broke, we had an extended time of worship and the Power of God fell.  MANY were set free and many religious spirits were sent running with their tails on fire!
   I am sending a pic of a little boy looking up at me as I am laying hands on a man in a white shirt.  The boy came with a stomach ache so bad he was walking really slow.  As I went to pray for him, I said, now when the pain goes away, lift your hands so I know when the miracle happens.  Well, I kept praying, I felt the Holy Spirit go through my hand, but still nothing!  He just stood there!  I kept thing, why won't he raise his hands?  After a minute I bent down, and come to find out, he was completely out in the Spirit but his legs stayed stiff, he was wedged between 2 people that were keeping him standing up!  He ended up on the ground for near half an hour.  Afterwords, I found out he really was healed, but didn't remember anything after it!  
   Many more people received, and thanks be to God, a higher percentage of the people that came are receiving.
   Prayer needs......
   MORE people have breakthroughs.   It is happening, the number is growing, but I still see many in the crowds not receiving.
   MORE salvations, I really can't put a number on it but it appears to be several dozen so far.
   SAFETY in travel to and from the meetings.  we are traveling 240 miles per day to and from.
   Pray for our brothers and sisters here so seriously affected by the floods.  Here locally a couple hundred believers have water in their yards, some in homes.  There is a great fear of disease.
    Prices of everything is going through the roof.  Food, equipment, everything. 

  Blessings, thanks so much for your prayers.  

I'll do less preachin and more updatin next


Chekubul Crusade Update November 7, 2006

Crusade update Tuesday November 6, 2007

  For those who this is your first update, I am adding the first couple of emails at the bottom of this letter.  Thank you so much for your prayers for this trip.  It has been a huge blessing.  
   I did not realize over the years that this area was really at the "ends of the earth"!  Once you get to Chekubul where we are doing this crusade, there is nothing beyond it but serious swamp and virgin jungle.  Hardly anything has changed since we first got here in 1977, with the exception of more people.  It is a really rough place.  Many people who have committed crimes and murders have come to these swamps and jungle to hide from getting arrested.   Many of these towns are nothing more than places where people bult houses because it was the only high ground!
  The town where we are was the first place we preached in Mexico.  The center of where the ministry started.  
   Last night, I counted 12 pastors of churches present at the meeting that had not been started by Dad.  They were from Assemblies of God, Church of God, Independant churches and others.  Many pastors from our churches came and brought many from their congergations.  At the meeting itself, cars, trucks and busses lined the entire block.  Believe it or not, Chekubul has a big taxi service now!  Around 10 of those 3 passenger motorcycle taxies were carrying people back and forth to and from the meeting.  
   Vendors have seen an opertunity also, around 5 mobile food carts have popped up at the edges of the city park selling food.  It's ok though, I look at it as more people to preach to!  
   The power of God fell again last night, I won't try to guess how many people came last night, but it was a lot more than the first night.  
   I tell you, God is doing something new.  He is pouring out His spirit on all flesh, but more than anything He is getting people ready for the Harvest!  He is doing a QUICK work.  
   I don't know how many people came for prayer or salvation, but it was a lot.  Me and Robert have been spliting into teams to pray for the people because there are so many.  Prophetic words have been abundant.
   It is interesting to note that over 50% of the people are indian.  Either Mayan or Chol.  Many are much more free in their worship.  
   Near the end of the service, a prophetic word was spoken that a person with serious pain in his head/neck area needed to come forward for prayer.
   I stuck with it, no one came for a minute or two.  Finally, this little old man, very short Mayan indian came dancing up, crying and hollering that he had been healed in his seat!  His head, neck and upper arm had been in such pain he was not able to lift his arms, but he was dancing all over the front waving his arms over his head and praising God!  Praise God!
    I am sending a couple of pics from the first meeting, only got a couple from last night because of operator error...... The guy I had taking pictures only got a couple.
   It looks like when we move to the next location we may have enough light to video some of the meeting.  That will be exciting.

   Please keep praying for the meetings, even though we have seen amazing things, there are a lot of hard hearts.  Spirits of religion, witchcraft and a few others are really trying to keep people bound, but our God is greater!  I want to see EVERYONE set free, not just half the people that show up!

  Jump in the River! 


Chekubul Crusade Update November 6, 2006

Greetings!!  Wow!
  I really don't know where to start.  First, keep in your prayers our travel.  I am staying in Emiliano Zapata that is about 120 miles from the meetings because I have rented a 15 passenger van to ferry people to the meetings.  Most of the people can't stay in Chekubul because of work and taking care of things in their homes.   Which means, 240 miles of travel per day.  Part of the road is under construction, so it is taking about 2:15 for the trip.   Of course, the first night we had 17 adults and most of the music group's equipment!!  I kept having to stop and check the back tires and drive slower to keep them from overheating!
   For a first night in a dead town, the meeting was amazing!  I have someone taking a lot of pics, but the internet situation here is VERY poor.  all the flooding has knocked out cell phone communication and most internet.  I went to 5 offices before I found one that worked.  BAD slow!! connecting between 18 and 24k!  I will try to upload some pics tomorrow anyway.  I'll cut them down as much as I can on my laptop so they won't be very good quality.
   OK, to the meeting.  On the very first night, we just about topped the biggest crusade ever for Chekubul.  We are in an outdoor basketball court and park 4 blocks from the church at what used to be the edge of town when we lived there.  Now town extends another 10 blocks!!!  The court was packed and more were in the streets and park than on the court!  By my best estimation there were around 700 there last night.  People were there from 5 states already, some had come from 500 miles away.
   There were people from 5 different denominations that I know of... Assemblies, Church of God, our churches, etc.  Several pastors of other churches came also.
   I ended up preaching on the Prodigal Son.  But the Lord had given me a word about both sons.  Remember the son that stayed home got angry when the lost son was blessed!  So I used that part to preach on those who had gotten cold in church, they were in the house, but had not partaken of what was available for them! 
  Anyway, the Lord used that and, to be honest, I have never felt an anointing to preach and evangelize like last night.  It just flowed.  I spoke most of the message as fast as I could speak for about an hour and a quarter.  You could really see it pricking people's hearts.
    In the end, we had more than 30 first time decisions for the Lord and I would be afraid to put a number on people that came up hungry and desperate for God.
   About half of the ones that had just got saved ended up falling in the spirit speaking in tongues!!  Most were there over half an hour. 
  As we started ministering to the sick and praying for people, we split into groups because of the number.  Person after person was healed.  Robert had a group and I had a group.  There would be someone screaming they were healed on this side then on the other side!   It just kept going on.
  The Lord gave me a word for the people that if we would open our hearts, the Lord would do things during these meetings that 20 years from now, people would still be saying remember what God did in Chekubul in 2007?   (Found out Robert had just told Teresa that same message)
  God is starting something amazing and lasting.  It is the beginning of a great revival in this part of Mexico.  We are not just doing a meeting.  I can't explain it but things have changed.  This is different. 
I'll give you one example of dozens...
A family came up for prayer, the dad had left them.  They were very downcast.  As I laid hands on them, I can't explain it, but their whole countenance changed.  Mom, her sister and her 3 daughters became drunk in the spirit.  Then came joy!  I haven't even started talking about joy yet!!!  When we left the service to go home, they were trying to carry the family out because none of them could walk and they were still so drunk.  Laughing and with total peace and joy on their faces.  I tell you, it is worth it!

Hey!  Jump in the River!  -Scott

Flooding in Tabasco November 2, 2006

  As many of you know, there has been major flooding in Southern Mexico.  I was scheduled to fly into Villahermosa November 3rd in the evening.  The situation has gone from very bad to much worse in he last 24 hours.  
  First, Villahermosa has around 350,000 living within the city.  The "Metro area" has around 550,000.  
   Listen to these numbers....  the Mexican government reports that more than 80% ot the City of Villahermosa is underwater including downtown.  

   They report more that 750,000 people in Tabasco State cut off without communication or road access.  They said the number could approach 1.5 million.  

  They reported that "normally" 32% of the State of Tabasco is covered with water... lakes, swamps, etc.  Today it is more than 70%.  

  The government reported that more than 50% of the Summer crops were lost due to a very late start to the rainy season in May-June.
  Now they report that more than 90% of the fall/winter crop has been lost to flooding.

   They reported a minimum of 100,000 on rooftops, they don't want to leave because of looting.

  The State police said Villahermosa is totally cut off from the rest of the world as well as over half the population of the State.  They report thousands lining the highways trying to find loved ones and trying to leave town.

  There are 10's of thousnads without shelter as the area has been overwhelmed with homeless.  

The President of Mexico was in the area Nov 1st and said it is one of the worse natural disasters to ever hit Mexico.

Pray for this trip as the West edge of our churches has been affected.  We also have 2 house churches in Villahermosa, one in Humanguillo and one in Teapa, all in the seriously affected areas.  Pray for wisdom also as I travel, that I would have favor to change flights to fly into Campeche or Cuidad del Carmen instead of Villahermosa.

   Blessings, Scott

This is NOT how to have church....... October 26, 2006

  Well, we just returned from another church in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex in mid October.
   I can't say where because it was very sad!!  My good friend and partner in ministry Steve Lincoln was invited to play with the music team in the church.  God was in it all the way as many awesome connections were made through the meetings and people we were in contact with. 
   Having just returned from "Shatterfest" and seeing hours of worship on end and beautiful ministry time, I was not prepared for this service!
  First, the service was so structured, there was absolutely no room for the Holy Spirit to move.  If you come at me and say, well, our church has to finish at a certain time because we have too many people and too many services, I say.... hogwash.  You just don't want the Holy Spirit to ruin your services.  If you are hungry, you WILL make a way for God to move.
   Second, I was so sad because in that same building we received massive amounts of anointing back in the 90's.  Our whole family was touched in a HUGE way in that same building!!!
   Third, I went and sat on the back row in the far left side of the building and could not help but weep.  I looked across 3 services with 3,000 to 4,000 in each service and saw thousands of people that were defeated, not living totally for God, being made comfortable in their sins and having no real relationships.  
  Fourth, both in Shatterfest and at this church, the Lord opened my spiritual eyes and I was able to see angels and what was happening in the Spirit.
  It was scary.
  At Shatterfest the glory was so great I could hardly look at it.  Angles were coming from all areas and the light was reaching into the heavens and shining for miles around.   At this church, it was so dim you could hardly see.   The few souls of the people present that were white were so dim it was hardly making an effect on the darkness.
  Fifth, I sat with the worship team backstage before the service and we prepared for the service by watching the Texas Tec Football game!  There was no prayer, not even talk of any flow in the meeting.  I could not believe that people involved in worship in a church of over 10,000 were not even worshipers themselves.

  I am not in any way judging these people, God is the judge.  This was just a huge warning to me to not let my guard down.  Never let church be something that we have to do.  Never let it become just another meeting.  We go to get fed, we go to get in the presence of God with other believers.  We go to grow in the Spirit.

  If God does not have control of the time in your church, may I be bold and say that you're in the wrong church?  

This is how you have church!!! October 23, 2006

  Just returned home last week from a trip to Alabama.  Traveling with my friend Steve Lincoln who is a minister/prophet/musician.  He was ministering in a couple of places over there.  Well, we stopped for 4 days in Huntsville, Alabama at Global Impact Church (www.globalimpactchurch.com) to do some ministry. 
   Well, It was great.  By the last night, in a church that was alread very free, in a place where the Holy Spirit was already free to move, Steve started an extended worship session. 
   People started banging in pots and pans, I was up front playing an ice chest!!!  The people just went for an extended period worshiping and praising, dancing and singing, it was a beautiful time.
  I'll have some pics posted soon!!!

Is THAT Cool or WHAT!?!? October 21, 2006

I cannot believe where I am!!!
  I just spent the night in Carlos Benson's home!!  He started "Drummers for Jesus" an organization that brings togther drummers for ministry, conferences and worship!  What an awesome experience!  Check them out!! Click here.....  Drummers For Jesus Website

  I actually got to hit on a drum that Alex Acuna played!!

Click here for Alex Acuna's myspace page  
  My good friend and partner in ministry, Steve Lincoln is playing percussion with Carlos at his church today.  I have been so blessed to know these men.



Back to basics!!!! November 23, 2006

All of us go through trials, temptations, victories and defeats.  Our name is not "Jesus" so I guess that means we are not perfect!  That doesn't mean we sit around and do nothing about it!!!!  For instance, a golfer like Tiger Woods, if he one day started gripping the club wrong or swinging too flat or not transfering his weight properly, it could destroy his swing if he didn't correct it!  Same way, Derick Jeeter has to look at his swing, release the bat with proper timing, Randy Johnson has to release his arm and hand with perfect timing with his body rotation to throw a great pitch, David Robinson has to release the basketball with perfect timing to make a free throw. 

  The same holds true in our Christian Walk, there are things in our walk with the Lord that we have to nurture and cherish, like the time we spend with Him.  That time we spend daily in the Word, constantly stiring up the gift God has placed in us, building ourselves up in Him.  I want to encourage you in the fact that we CAN keep that same joy and excitement we had the day we got saved and wanted to tell the whole world about Jesus!  We just have to make sure of the basic things first.  We never get too old in the Lord to not need His presence everyday.  We never get "so mature" that we don't need to feed our minds with the Word every day.  Even if you have no desire to do it, your will should have control over your body.  When you once take that step to get in His presence, to feed on His word, to pray, guess what?!?!  The next time it's easier to do it!! The next time you will start to have a little hunger for it!! The next time, it will be a joy!! Pretty soon, you will not be able to go a day without spending time with our Heavenly Father because you'll have such a desire and longing to be in that seceret place!!!!