Oct 15, 2008

Chekubul Crusade Update November 12, 2007


   Praise God for His grace!
   The hunger in the people last night was amazing.  People came prepared to receive.   It seemed like literally, heaven came down and touched the people.  For a couple of hours it felt like a glory cloud descended over the people as the Lord ministered to His people.  It as a very humbling experience.  
     To finish 
Saturday night, the greatest thing that happened was the very strong conviction of the Holy Spirit near the end of the service.  People started coming forward to receive Jesus.  By the end, there were around 20 more that received salvation.   I really don't like to throw out numbers because God knows hearts, but in all around 60 people during the meetings came forward for Salvation.
    Last night, the Holy Spirit filled hungry hearts.  It just kept going, on and on.  I really can't remember a service where the anointing stayed that strong for that long.   Things started happening that really shook up some people.  
    Several young women and 2 young men were overcome by a spirit of intercession and prophecy.  For more than 2 hours they danced, prophesied,  wept and prayed over the people as we ministered.  For around 30 minutes, one of the young ladies had oil dripping from her hand.  Everyone she touched had oil all over where she laid hands on them including me.  We had not even got the anointing oil out at this point.  I could see her as I was ministering to others and drops of oil would be coming off her hands as she spoke.  Many times, 3 of the young ladies at the same time would run across where we were ministering, lay hands on the same person, moving as one and all out loud would begin prophesying the same words out loud at the same time!
   The words that came forth were so deep, so pure that people would crumble under the anointing and many would get up prophesying.  Others would be groaning and doubled up as in agony under a spirit of intercession for the people.
    Robert, Teresa and Rosalba at times were so overcome they could just stand and weep before the Lord.  

   People who I had never seen show much emotion, for instance, bro Miguel from Jobal.  When we laid hands on him, he went nuts.  He was probably more dunk than anyone I have seen!  He was staggering around, laughing, pointing, then prophesying then on the ground again then staggering again!   Then the Joy of the Lord really hit him and rolled on the ground somewhere around 30 minutes.
   When you walked toward the front, the anointing kept getting heavier, like you were walking into a cloud.  If we could just stay there all the time!!!  The only word I had to give preaching before this was that God wanted to put his loving arms around every one that would open their hearts to Him.  He was going to empower every one that was hungry.   He said you will never know or understand how much I love these people.  These are My people.
   Thank you so much for your prayers, they can be felt, you can see the difference.
   The Lord is raising up ore people to help with carrying the Gospel here.  I can't tell you how amazing and beautiful it was as I was at one side ministering to people and looking across I see Robert ministering and a man throwing down his crutches, people getting healed, I look in another place and see Teresa's brother ministering under a very strong anointing and people getting healed, I see Teresa and Rosalba get pulled by the Spirit to another part of the crowd to minister and prophesy and many others that God is raising up in oneness of Spirit.  Guess what?  It's For the Harvest!
    Later tonight I hope to have time to send out a few pictures, I have to finish some things here before I head back to 
  Keep me in your prayers as I will be driving around 300 miles back to 
Campeche this afternoon  Then flying home at 4.30 Tuesday morning.
  I will try to upload a couple of videos in the next couple of days also.



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