Oct 15, 2008

Checkubul Crusade Update November 8, 2007

  Again, thank you so much for your continued prayers, the Lord continues to work and move in Chekubul.  Wednesday night, many pastors came to the meeting from many different churches, there is a picture of a few of them sitting up front. 
   The Lord showed me before service that many would come last night with religious spirits.  It was nothing but God that worked last night, because the word He gave me for the church was really rough for religious people.  I could feel icy cold coming from a couple of the visiting pastors.  But the anointing was there and again, I have never felt the anointing to preach as strong as I did last night.  If the anointing hadn't been there, I would have surely been stoned!!  The Word ripped through religious junk Wednesday night.  The Holy Spirit was in total control.  The Lord was reveling things about the Old and New covenants to me as I was speaking.  It just flowed beautifully!
   It got to the point where I mentioned we were in a church a few years back that said if a man wore a watch, if a woman didn't wear a dress that touched the floor, if a man's sleeves weren't to his wrists, if a woman wore makeup or jewelry.... All those things and more, if they did those things they were on their way to hell!  I said a church with all those rules and doctrines of men was full of ugly people and no anointing.  Some of those churches are in so much bondage they can't even let someone off the street into their church to get ministered to, they've got to clean up the outside first.  There are people in the back jungles of Africa and South America right now worshiping God and having revival, they are seeing signs and wonders, they are seeing miracles and they are half naked!  If they came to this church in their native dress you would close your eyes in shame!   But God has redeemed them just as He has us, He has set them free because first, if the words spoken to to the Jews in the Old Testament applied to us today, we would have to build fences around our roofs so people wouldn't fall of!  Because if we kept only part of the Law and not all of it we are guilty of all!  But Jesus came to bring us a New Covenant, The law is written on our hearts.  We now live by the Spirit of God by a conscience that has been touched by the Holy Spirit!  When God cleans up the inside, the outside will take care of itself!  You will not dress to get attention or the glory of man!  Now you who think women who wear pants are going to hell, because some of you here are judging even as you sit in your chair.  If women in the arctic, if our sisters in the arctic DIDN'T wear pants or at least something over their legs, they would freeze to death!   Quit thinking that your village is the only one in the world, that the way you do things is the only way to do it in the entire earth!  (Quit clapping so hard just because I'm preaching good   oh, and don't stone me either!)  
 (Actually, I said that too!)
   Anyway, it went on much longer, and got into keeping a clean conscience, if Jesus was up here preaching and a movie screen behind him was playing your thoughts from last night, would you hide in shame or be blessed?  He said my yoke is easy and my burden light.  If you find it hard to control your thoughts or live a holy life it's because you're trying to "be good" in your own strength.  Then ministry about yielding, etc, etc.....
   People really broke, we had an extended time of worship and the Power of God fell.  MANY were set free and many religious spirits were sent running with their tails on fire!
   I am sending a pic of a little boy looking up at me as I am laying hands on a man in a white shirt.  The boy came with a stomach ache so bad he was walking really slow.  As I went to pray for him, I said, now when the pain goes away, lift your hands so I know when the miracle happens.  Well, I kept praying, I felt the Holy Spirit go through my hand, but still nothing!  He just stood there!  I kept thing, why won't he raise his hands?  After a minute I bent down, and come to find out, he was completely out in the Spirit but his legs stayed stiff, he was wedged between 2 people that were keeping him standing up!  He ended up on the ground for near half an hour.  Afterwords, I found out he really was healed, but didn't remember anything after it!  
   Many more people received, and thanks be to God, a higher percentage of the people that came are receiving.
   Prayer needs......
   MORE people have breakthroughs.   It is happening, the number is growing, but I still see many in the crowds not receiving.
   MORE salvations, I really can't put a number on it but it appears to be several dozen so far.
   SAFETY in travel to and from the meetings.  we are traveling 240 miles per day to and from.
   Pray for our brothers and sisters here so seriously affected by the floods.  Here locally a couple hundred believers have water in their yards, some in homes.  There is a great fear of disease.
    Prices of everything is going through the roof.  Food, equipment, everything. 

  Blessings, thanks so much for your prayers.  

I'll do less preachin and more updatin next


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