Sep 17, 2009

Jobal Ministry

Jobal is at the end of a 5 mile long dead end road near the Usumacinta River in the State of Tabasco, Mexico. It has a population of about 200. Last night we had around 160 not counting little kids in the service, the largest service I have seen in that village.
David Mapp spoke and the word was powerful. The words were anointed and it cut to the heart of many people. Over 80 people responded and received prayer. There were many breakthroughs and many were delivered.
Several young men came forward to give their lives to the Lord for the first time.
The Holy Spirit flowed through the place and many powerful prophetic words came forth. One man threw away his cane and walked back and forth across the front with no problems. Later the cane was used to pray for people!
We spent the a good part of the day with Robert talking about ministry, the house/ministry headquarters we are building and family. We also went over the organization paperwork.
We looked at ministry pictures from back in the 1970's and 80's when Robert and Dad first began ministering together and had a great time of remembering where God has taken us over the years. Sometimes laughing, sometimes weeping.
Pray with us that the rain holds back for tonight's meeting. We prayed that God would hold the rains back until the meeting was over the first night and 5 minutes after we finished the meeting it poured. Just about everyone made it home dry! We didn't hurry or rush......God just took control.
Thanks for your prayers.....
Scott McDonald