Jan 22, 2014

16 things Jesus did that we can do

In John 14:12-14 Jesus made a really big statement.  He said, “Anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.  He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father.  And I will do whatever you ask in my name so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.  You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it.”
  The very next verse says, “If you love me, you will obey what I have commanded.”
  A child of God walking according to the will of God can have the right and authority to do the same works Jesus did, and even greater works!  He said that He gave us “all authority” the question is, how much of His authority are we walking in?
  Mt 24:35 says, “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.”  He is unchanging, the same yesterday, today and forever.  His promises are for us today.
  His commission is our mission!

Supernatural multiplication
Jesus fed thousands with just 5 loaves and 2 fish. Mt 14:13-21.  Mark 6:33-44.

He healed the sick
Many examples show Jesus healing the sick with a simple spoken word, He walked in total authority.  He spoke to the man that had a withered hand, “stretch forth your hand” and he was instantly healed. Mt 12:9-13.  He touched two blind men’s eyes and they instantly received their sight.  Mt 20:34.  He stuck his fingers in a deaf mute’s ears and touched his tongue and he was healed.  Mark 7:33-35.

He raised the dead
On a couple of occasions, dead were raised with just a spoken word over people that had been dead for quite a while.  He simply took a dead girl’s hand and she came back to life.  Mt 9:25.  He raised Lazarus who had been dead four days.  Jn 11:38-44

He cast out demons
Again, just a simple spoken word caused demons to flee.  He drove demons out of two violently possessed men by simply saying “go.” Mt 8:32.

He knew key events in His future
He prophesied about His own death, resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit.  Mt 16:21.  Mt 17:22-23.  He foretold that the disciples would forsake Him that very night.  Mt 26:31-34

He knew what others were thinking
He knew and responded to what people were thinking before they even said anything out loud.  Mt 12:24-28. 

Angles attended Him
After spending 40 days fasting, angles attended Him.  Mt 4:11.  Mark 1:13.

He taught and spoke with authority
Unlike the religious leaders of His day, Jesus spoke and taught with true authority.  Mt 7:28.

His clothes healed the sick
People begged to touch the edge of His cloak, those who did were healed.  Mt 14:36. Mark 5:24-34.

He preached the Gospel to the poor
“The good news is preached to the poor” Mt 11:4

He spoke healing over a distance
The centurion’s servant was healed from a distance!  Mt 8:5-13. Lu 7:1-10.

He came to serve, not to be served
Jesus example of being a servant is shown throughout the Gospels.  Mt 20:28. He washed his disciple’s feet.  Jn 13:4-17

The wind and the waves obeyed Him
He carried an authority that could command natural events.  Mark 4:35-41

He walked on water
He met his disciples in the middle of the lake, without using a boat! This passage also tells us about Jesus seeing the men in distress in the middle of the lake while he was still on shore!  Mark 6:45-52

He started a revival with a prophetic word
Jesus spoke a word of prophecy to the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well.  It affected her so much that she ran back into town, spread the word and many believed.  Lu 4:1-42

He prayed for us (all believers)

“…That all of them may be one..”  John 17.

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